
Friday, June 13, 2008


Get The Facts On Fat Burning

The pressure is really on now! We all eat too much, we are surrounded by food and enveloped in layers of fat- great for keeping us warm but What do you want to do? Do you want to burn off the fat? Would you like to look better in your clothes, feel great, more energetic, have increased mobility and flexibility? And we all know the answer- weight loss programs, diets, exercise and more exercise. Maybe it is time to consider getting the answer all in just one little book so we need to look at the facts on fat burning first.

What Is Fat Burning?

Fat burning is the process where free fatty acids are used for fuel as opposed to glucose (human blood sugar). Fat burning is the correct way to control weight loss. And again remember that the real issue for fat burning is total calories expended. If fat burning is one of your aims, performing cardiovascular exercise at a higher intensity gives you more bang for your workout buck.
Burning body fat and building muscle at the same time can actually be nicely achieved with some fairly low-impact exercise. Burning glycogen aerobically releases more total energy than anaerobic glycogen burning but aerobic burning releases energy slowly. Burning the fatty acids reduces the fat on the body, providing the rationale behind having a fat burning workout that lasts longer than 30 minutes.

What About Fat Burning Foods?

Diets dont work without first finding out the cause of your specific weight problem. Dieticians will advise to consume carbohydrates which contains high levels of fibre. What about cellulite? Diet and exercise alone rarely clears the cellulite and whereas liposuction helps to reduce localized fat, it is not effective for cellulite. Most fruit and vegetables are great fat burners such as apricots, blackberries, Brussels sprouts, celery, cauliflower, aubergines, grapefruit, green beans, garlic (you can take it in pill form), lemons, oranges, fish such as cod. Many people ask about dairy products. Can they help in a fat burning diet? The calcium in most dairy products can help by increasing the breakdown of fats in fat cells.

Get The Facts On Fat Burning

What you will need is how to exercise without burning too many carbohydrates while aiming to burn the stored body fat. You will need to learn how to properly eat and exercise to get rid of your body fat and reach your ideal weight and shape! The link below will provide all that information and more.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness.You can learn some more facts on fat burning by looking at the link below :-

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